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Our Community Norms & Code of Conduct

Peace First community members interact with each other in-person and in a range of digital spaces, including on social media, through our Learning Management System (LMS), and during online calls and workshops. To keep these spaces safe, productive, and reflective of Peace First’s core values and commitment to young people’s safety and wellbeing, we make a series of commitments to you and we ask that you follow a set of Community Norms and a Code of Conduct that are detailed below.

Community Norms

Community Norms are the broad principles that guide how we behave when interacting with other Peace First community members in any context. Peace First defines “community” as a group of changemakers who share our common goal of solving challenges that affect them. Our community includes program participants, grantees, partners, alumni, ambassadors, donors, staff, and volunteers. The norms apply to everyone in our community and anyone else invited into Peace First spaces.
Peace First's commitment to our community

We Will

What Peace First is Asking from You

Adhere to the following Community Norms

Code of Conduct

The Peace First Code of Conduct is made up of specific rules that are grounded in our Community Norms and help us to ensure we are behaving in safe and productive ways across all of the spaces where our community comes together. Some rules are specific to particular contexts. Peace First will remove content and users that do not adhere to these rules.

You Should:

  • Be welcoming, listen to others, and respect their opinions, especially those that are different from your own. We are a global community with diverse perspectives. Show up with curiosity, openness to learning and humility.
  • Respect the privacy and personal information of other individuals associated with Peace First and do not reach out to them directly on their personal social media handles, unless they share them with you. You should respect boundaries set by others, for example, not messaging accounts that are set to private without consent.
  • Show patience and compassion to one another and the Peace First team. Please be patient as you wait for a response from us.
  • Help keep Peace First spaces safe. If you think someone is being hurtful, disrespectful, unsafe or otherwise inappropriate, please report it to a facilitator or via our online form.

You Should NOT:

  • Bully, harass or abuse another member of our community.

  • Be disrespectful, rude or use profanity to community members, facilitators or moderators.

  • Share personal information (such as phone number, credit card or banking information, personal address, etc.) with other community members.

You Should:

  • Represent your relationship to Peace First accurately (i.e. on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.).
  • Only use Peace First logos with permission. This applies online and on printed materials, etc.

You Should NOT:

  • Post inappropriate or harmful content including adult/sexualized content, content that exploits or abuses children, content that promotes or celebrates violence, criminal activity or terrorist organizations.
  • Post messages in group settings that are not relevant to the majority of the group. Please message the moderator directly instead.
  • Spam chats/emails/groups with content that is inappropriate or unrelated to the conversations on the group. This includes for business or personal services, or fundraising not related to your changemaking work.

You Should:

  • Be present and turn on your video if you feel comfortable to (and depending on internet connection).

  • Stay Muted when you are not talking

You Should NOT:

  • Send private messages to other call participants, except the call hosts.

  • Take screenshots or capture images or recordings of other participants without their consent.