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About us

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Peace First elevates the voices and unleashes the power of young people worldwide to create meaningful change in their communities.

We provide training, mentorship, and thought leadership to help changemakers ideate, design, and launch projects that have an impact locally, regionally, and globally.

Peace First was founded in 1992 by students at Harvard University with a simple idea: we can only solve the world’s greatest problems by empowering young people with the skills, compassion, and identity to be changemakers.  Our work began as a school-based youth empowerment model in the US and has since matured into a global NGO supporting youth-led projects and connecting thousands of young changemakers from over 166 countries.

The Problem We are Solving

There are approximately four billion young people under the age of 30 on the planet – a group brimming with ideas and potential to solve the challenges they face each day. 

As modern history has shown us – from the workers’ rights movements that ended child labor to the civil rights movement of the 60s, to the recent Arab Spring – they had one common element: each was powered by youth. Young people have been and still are the world’s most powerful drivers of social change.

Young people are continuing this tradition today – rising up and speaking truth to power. From Parkland to Ferguson, from Lagos to Stockholm, they are solving entrenched problems that our communities experience every day. They are working towards a more compassionate, livable, just, and peaceful world. 

Despite all of this, many young people never act on their changemaking journey because they lack access to the resources, mentorship, skills, and community needed to advance their work. Peace First is working to close the changemaking gap by supporting young leaders with the resources and tools to solve the problems in their communities. 

Getting Started

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Find out how we are helping to address global challenges by putting young people in the driver's seat - and how you can get involved.