The Peace First Community is made up of 23,000+ young people from 166 countries who are committed to creating positive change. Our community has created 11,000+ social change projects that are making a difference around the world. 

To support these efforts, Peace First has provided funding to 1,650+ projects and as a result, 1.5 million individuals have been engaged by youth-led projects worldwide.


Browse Peace First reports below to learn more about the evolution of our work and impact:
draft 1- EOY Progress report

Our end of year report for 2023 details key moments of progress made over the last year. We share these achievements with the young changemakers we support and the dedicated donors who make this work possible.

Impact on Young People & Communities

Young people who participate in Peace First programs develop the critical skills necessary to drive change in their communities.
report greater confidence in their skills and abilities to create change.
are more likely to stand up for someone affected by an injustice.
are likelier to stick with their social change projects, even when things get hard.
respondents reported that there is now more community awareness about the issue they are addressing
report that more people talk about the issue than prior to the intervention.

The social change projects Peace First supports encompass a wide variety of issue areas and address nine of the UN SDGS:

No Poverty