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Safety and Security Policy

Peace First Community Guidelines 

While Peace First has specific guidelines for various activities such as labs, impact room events, and regional groups on social media or WhatsApp. Here are some common guidelines we expect all young people to abide by in their engagements through Peace First platforms and in their change-making work. 

  • Do not be disrespectful, rude or use profanity against any of the members or the moderators. 
  • Do not post inappropriate content including adult/sexualized content, content that exploits or abuses children, content that promotes or celebrates violence, criminal activity or terrorist organizations. Content that is inappropriate or unrelated to the conversations on the group or platform will be immediately removed.
  • Do not share your personal information such as (phone number, credit card or banking information, personal email address or social media accounts) in an online community.  You can share professional social media accounts such as LinkedIn only. 
  • Do not use Peace First platforms for soliciting business or personal services, fundraising or activities not related to your change-making work. 
  • Please respect the privacy of other individuals associated with Peace First and do not reach out to them directly on their personal social media handles. You may email your Peace First mentor ( regional manager or fellow) requesting them to connect you to any individuals or groups of individuals within our community. We may initiate this connection based on mutual consent. 
  • Help keep the Peace First platforms safe: If you think someone is being hurtful, disrespectful, unsafe or otherwise inappropriate please report it. HERE
  • Stay on topic: Our community is designed to support young people with their peacemaking journeys. Content that is assessed as being spam or containing links to offer products or services and/or considered not relevant to the purpose of our community will be removed by our moderators.
  • Peace First logos can only be used by grantees and partners under the following circumstances: 

1). On your change-making projects or other platforms, posters, shirts-and other project-related merchandise as ‘SUPPORTED BY PEACE FIRST’ 

2). The logo design and guidelines on when to use or not use the logo are directly shared with grantees during the project implementation phase.