From Digital Transformation to Youth Empowerment: Raihan’s Vision for Indonesia’s Prosperous Future
By Raihan Zahirah Mauludy Ridwan, Associate Account Manager at Google
In Indonesia, there are more than 64 million SMEs, but the majority of them don’t understand how to operate businesses digitally or utilize the momentum of the digital economy. Empowering over 1,100 small-to-medium businesses in Indonesia by helping them achieve growth through digital platforms and AI technology is the core responsibility of my rolze at Google. Being a “down-to-earth” technocrat reflects my day-to-day work, which involves educating them about the digital economy, teaching them about technology, guiding them in running their businesses digitally, troubleshooting misconceptions, and supporting their understanding of unfamiliar business terms through one-on-one meetings, theme-based webinars, an online academy, and special projects. Beyond that, I am managing a diverse portfolio of clients with an annual revenue run rate contribution of millions of dollars. Additionally, I have experience as a mentor with over six organizations and have guided more than 500 students in career planning and future work strategies. Professionally, I am currently working at Google and am also part of “Bangkit Academy,” a program designed to provide participants with real-world exposure and prepare them with relevant skills for successful careers in leading tech companies. Through Bangkit Academy, I taught over 100 selected Indonesian youth about time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving, while also advising on more than 12 capstone projects related to business, commerce, and technology products intended for market launch.
Making a positive impact is not limited to my workplace; this commitment extends beyond my professional career. As a Board Member and Co-Head of the Research Advocacy Division in Indonesian Youth Diplomacy (IYD), I play a significant role in leading research activities and representing IYD at prestigious international forums, including Y20 Indonesia 2022 (part of the G20), ASEAN Indonesia Chairmanship 2023, MIKTA Indonesia Chairmanship 2023, World Water Forum 2024, and ECOSOC Youth Forum 2024. Throughout my involvement with IYD, I have developed and implemented over 20 advocacy activities to raise awareness about critical youth issues, disseminate research findings, and influence policymakers at local, national, and international levels. I have collaborated with more than 15 stakeholders, including government officials, NGOs, private sectors, youth organizations, and international partners, to advance the interests of Indonesian youth. I have also prepared reports, presentations, policy briefs, fact sheets, white papers, background studies, terms of reference, concept notes, and other materials to communicate research findings to policymakers, the public, and other stakeholders.
Currently, my team and I are preparing the “Vision and Road Map to a Golden Indonesia 2045,” a shared aspiration among Indonesian youth to see their nation become a developed, prosperous, and influential global player by 2045, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of Indonesia’s independence. This vision encapsulates the dreams and hopes of young Indonesians for a brighter future for themselves, their communities, and their country. It has received support from the government and will be launched soon, serving as a testament to my dedication to empowering Indonesian youth and ensuring a prosperous future for my country.